How Trump Stole The Show from the Democratic National Convention

There have been many theories of why Trump has been dominating the political stage from the very moment he launched his campaign last year. We know that he has been a voice to all those who were beginning to feel left out of the political process. He has promised a better economy, security, the and controlling if illegal immigration. To sum it up he promised to rebuild America that seems to be in decline under President Obama. These issues have created a strong bond between Trump and his supporters that will not be broken by a mistruth spread by the media or a misstatement by Trump himself.

But there is something beyond the bond and beyond the fact that he was the right candidate at the right time, it is Trumps innate ability of smart strategic and tactical thinking the likes that have probably never been seen before in the history of electoral races. Trump also understand the news media and has been a master controlling the news cycle.

After securing a strong bump in the poll after his well-received speech last week that concluded the GOP convention, Trump is flying high. The convention was covered massively by the media and despite attempts to malign the participants, the events occurred smoothly. Trump secured the nomination relatively smoothly and there were none of the violence or protest that had been predicted. Now it was the turn of the Democrats.
But just before the Democrats could launch their convention, the scandal of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails came to the forefront. The contents of leaked emails had provided enough reason to prove that the party had planned the coronation of Hillary Clinton and were actively trying to stop Bernie Sanders, there were many other unpleasant utterances about Sanders and other minority groups. The liberal media tried their best to underplay the story. Finally one of them had a clever idea, why not do what they always do, begin with speculation and end with a tone of almost certitude. Thus members of the media, pundits and the Democrats tried to push a narrative that Russia was behind the cyber-attack. Then went one step further to suggest that Putin was trying to help out Donald Trump and interfere in the US electoral process. Their iron clad proof was that on one occasion Putin had praised Trump.

A conventional GOP Presidential candidate would have taken a breather and allowed the Democrat convention to proceed, the best you could hope for from the conventional candidate is a denial and rubbishing of the allegations. So how does Trump react? 

He first has press conference where he urges the Russian to help recover the deleted emails.

It is important toward the end that he taunted the liberal press, that the Russians will be handsomely rewarded.

He the doubles down with this tweet:

Now any sane person could tell that Trump was being facetious, even if he was being serious, all he for the Russians to find the 30,000 deleted emails on Hilary server. But the media had already planned their narrative and they were going to stick with it. We therefore saw a story carried that Trump had urged the Russians to hack into Hillary’s servers, some even went to the extent of calling it treasonous.  There was universal condemnation for each and as always followed by perplexity. “Why would he say that? This is crazy. He is dangerous” they said.

So let’s look at the consequence of Trump’s utterances.
The day before yesterday, Bill Clinton delivered a speech where he paid glowing tribute to the warm, human and lovely Hillary Clinton. This was the speech that was supposed to defrost her reputation and propagate her as the delightful human being she is. The following day there were speeches by President Obama, Veep Biden and a host of other celebrities and famous Democrats all slamming Trump. So how did the media cover it? Well they did but the top story of the day was the Trump and Russian hacker story.
There was a second interesting consequence to this story. When asked about her email scandal, Hillary has insisted that she did not send any classified emails on her private server and the emails that were deleted prior to the handover for investigation were personal items.

So if the Russian had found those deleted emails, they would have found love dovey emails from Bill, photos of Hillary’s grandchild, emails from Chelsea and perhaps exchanges with Lena Dunham. Nothing to worry about really. And yet the reaction was rather strange. House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) said what was echoed by many “To call on a foreign adversary to commit an illegal act of cybercrime and espionage in order to undermine a political rival is not only un-American, it undermines our national security,” But Hillary just said that she never dealt with classified information on her server, did she not?

Clearly this was another clever trap by Trump and the Democrats walked straight in, we had an admission that there was classified information on the server.

In the end Trump had managed to steal the show from the Democrat convention by conducting a press conference in parallel that was covered live on many channels. He had managed to rebut many of the false assertions that were made during the convention against him. He managed to highlight the fact that Hillary had not had a press conference in 230 days. He managed to keep Bill, Hillary and Obama from grabbing the top story. Finally he had managed to extract a confession out of the Democrats about the classified nature of Hillary emails.

Then just today, Trump admitted something we all knew, he was being sarcastic.  As the old adage goes 'You can show the blind or the ignorant the way (or the truth) but not those who have purposefully shut their eyes'
