George Bernard Shaw, once wrote, “Those who can, do; those who can’t teach.” Woody Allen, appended that celebrated quote with, “..those who can’t teach, teach gym”. The author of this piece humbly submits an appendage to that hilarious Woody appendage, “..those who can’t teach gym, join politics”
A quick perusal of the qualifications and accomplishments of most
contemporary politicians cause the instant realization that this is a parade of
also-rans, underachievers, and has-beens.
The only prerequisite is an innate talent to promise the voter a bridge where there is no river while smiling broadly and devoid of an iota of hesitation or
embarrassment. But it is big donors and lobbyists that really pull the strings. The
puppet may say what the voter wants to hear but does only what his master
desires, for which the compensation is substantial.
Hence we learn of elected officials, who drew regular salaries
during their tenure, retire as multi-millionaires. If voted out of
office they find high paying jobs in the private sector or as lobbyists. There
are multi-million dollar book deals, high paying speaking engagement, lucrative jobs for their undeserving
offspring, and ‘charity’ foundations whose sole beneficiary for charity is the individual whose surname precedes the word 'foundation'. The innovation applied to disguise these bribes is quite astounding.
If these individuals were not in politics, they would be
struggling to even earn a minimum wage. A perfect instance of the above-mentioned self-serving political class is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. aka Joe Biden.
There are scarce illustrations in contemporary politics where real
achievers have sacrificed their life of comfort, to serve their nation.
Enter Donald J. Trump, he had it all, wealth, fame, and power. In
addition to his successful business, he had a popular TV show, endorsements,
and a series of bestselling business books.
In 2015, Trump was nearing seventy, an age when most prefer to
relax and enjoy the fruits of their life's toil. But Trump did the exact
opposite, he entered the exhausting and grueling Presidential race.
The news media initially erred by regarding it as a publicity
stunt. But when he won the GOP nomination and it appeared that he could win the
Presidency, the relentless and baseless attacks commenced.
The deranged assailants were Democrats, establishment Republicans, showbiz luminaries,
‘intellectuals’, ‘activists’ and bloviating media ignoramuses such as Don Lemon
who once speculated that the missing Malaysia Airlines flight may have
disappeared into a black hole. The polls were rigged to show Trump lagging
in every state.
Trump countered this by sticking to his MAGA message and campaigning passionately all over the country as his rival Hillary was busy napping.
Thus, despite that all the barrage of impediments, that seemed like the world was against him, Trump won the presidency by an emphatic margin. It was not only Trump’s greatest personal achievement but also a huge milestone in modern political history, where a candidate rose from the
primaries to win the Presidency solely due to grass-root support.
Expectedly there was no recognition for this mammoth achievement.
On the contrary, the media grew more vicious owing to their failure to comprehend
the Trump phenomenon, the attacks grew more spiteful, continuing to this day.
Simultaneously, officials from various intelligence agencies and
the bureaucracy began conspiring to stage a series of coup attempts against
Trump. This is a first in the history of modern America.
It began with the Russia collusion hoax that led to almost two
years of the Muller investigation. There was the phone call with the Ukrainian
Premier that led to impeachment in Congress. The media gleefully carried these
stories often relying on ‘unnamed sources’ to peddle fabrications hoping to delegitimize
and undo the 2016 elections, while they claimed to be saving democracy. Despite
the effort, time, and money spent by the Democrats and the media, Trump was acquitted
in both cases.
Also occurring were creepy media interviews with Trump’s alleged former girlfriends prior to becoming President. Trump’s associates and family members were viciously attacked. Underachievers in the media and politics questioned Trump’s accomplishments, his intelligence, his cognitive abilities, his sanity, and his marriage. They alleged racism, sexism, and all forms of bigotry. Trump supporters were also the recipients of similar attacks.
Place yourself in this scenario. You are the new CEO of a once
prosperous but currently floundering organization. Your goal is to make the
firm profitable again. You are known for your unconventional ways. Hence your
subordinates, who averse to change, turn into saboteurs. They perpetually
conspiring against you and spreading falsehoods about you, in order to oust
Your customers see the improvements and are pleased with the
products you deliver, soon you turn in a large profit. You show openness and a
willingness to collaborate, but all you get is negativity from your colleagues.
In a situation such as this, you have three choices; you either adapt to the convention set by your subordinates in order that the bludgeoning stops and you keep your job, or you quit because the constant conspiring against you is unbearable, the final option is you take on your saboteurs.
Trump faced this exact situation, albeit on a global scale. However, he opted for the rarely stridden and arduous path of confronting the saboteurs while sticking to his agenda. Ivanka Trump was right, Washington didn't change Trump, Trump changed Washington.
Once again, despite the barrage of impediments his the record has been stellar and unparalleled.
The economic boom under Trump led to historic growth and record low unemployment across demographics. The economic boom led to the empowerment of minorities like never before. The industrial and farming heartland has been restored.
Illegal immigration is down and the wall is coming up nicely despite impediments from Democrats. Outstanding judicial appointments including three Supreme court
judges were made.
The hegemony of China was challenged like never before. ISIS was
defeated in the Middle East and peace treaties were signed between Israel and
Arab nations. Trump rebuilt the armed forces but did enter into gratuitous
During Covid19, Trump’s restrictions on incoming international
flights curbed the spread of infection during the initial phases. Stimulus payments
were made to those who suffered due to the lockdown.
Many of the above feats were considered impossible by Washington based pundits
What would Trump be doing had he not run for President? He’d be
striking business deals, developing properties, perhaps hosting another TV
show, played rounds of golf, and having a meal with his family. He would be
leading a life of peace and comfort in one of his plush properties. There would
be no aggravation, no media scrutiny, and no venom.
But he consciously, gave that all up to serve his nation. Today Trump lives with the fact that despite his outstanding achievements, there are people who have an irrational hatred of him, that the media will continue to disregard his achievements and that history may not judge him fairly.
It is important to note that Trump has all of his $400,000 annual salary. During his time in office, his personal worth came down from 5 billion to around 3 billion.
Despite continuous attacks, Trump continues to fight on. He is
indefatigable, passionate, funny, and brimming with enthusiasm, seeming
impervious to the negativity.
He begins his day by combating media lies on social media, strikes
peace deals with once squabbling global powers by noon, and still finds time to
hold campaign rallies at four different locations, all this just within 24
To sum it up, he is perhaps the only modern politician who sacrificed his life of luxury and peace in order to serve his country. He is the only modern politician who actually suffered financially while in public office. He is the only modern politician who had delivered more in four years than most do in a lifetime.
The liberal media in their illusion of self-important think that they can influence people to vote against Trump, they underestimated the intelligence of the public in 2016, and 2020 seems like an exact redo of 2016. Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
For his personal sacrifices, his momentous achievements, and his tireless efforts, the least Donald J Trump deserves is a second term with a landslide margin and copious gratitude from all he has help.
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