Stop being skeptical about the talents of Hunter Biden

Politicians often get called out for being apathetic, immoral, and incompetent.

It is claimed that they are usually busy backing initiatives and approving bills that will be beneficial for their big donors and lobbyists.

Apart from election season when they hold babies and shake every hand that is presented, they usually have very little patience or time for their voters. 

When the voter is in need of a solution they provide a bridge over a lake when little boats would have solved the problem.

Cynics will point out that the contracts for construction and material for the bridge over the lake went to donors, but cynics do not know how government works.

However there is one area where they are this the political class proactive, creative, innovative, and clever, it is self-enrichment.

They know they cannot exchange suitcases full of cash in shady bars after doing their bit for their big donors or lobbyists and neither can they allow a direct electronic transfer of cash to their accounts.

So they contrive innovative ways to legalize self-enrichment.

The oldest trick in the book is speaking engagements, where the politician is invited to the botanical society of a prominent business house to talk about the effects of climate change on Balsam flowers. But the retired politician has no expertise in the field, he actually studied literature at University. It hardly matters, the retired politician read the prepared speech for which he is paid a million dollars. There could be myriad other forms of paybacks in the form of podcast deals or book deals or even a documentary.

A look through the politician's voting records shows that he had voted for a bill that benefited the business house.

Some cynics have mischaracterized self-enrichment as corruption, but again what to do they know.

It would be a great disservice to the noble act of self-enrichment if Hunter Biden isn’t mentioned.

While Winston Churchill took to painting in his early forties, Hunter Biden began even later in his early fifties. But in the matter of pure talent, Hunter may have surpassed old Winston.

Hunter’s recently discovered talents are so prodigious that his paintings were sold as Christie's for an astounding $ 500, 000. Also at Christie's, a painting by lesser talents such as Claude Monet, founder of impressionist painting, and Edgar Degas, the French impressionist painter sold for $700,000 and $500,000, respectively.

Clearly, Hunter is a self-taught genius. Unlike other ‘geniuses’, Hunter didn’t waste precious time in artistic training or in any kind of apprenticeship with an artist of great ability.

A lot of people may not know this but genius cannot be taught neither can it be honed by hours of practice.

Genius is, as the name itself suggests in the genes, all one has to do is look at Hunter’s father Joe to comprehend that genius in this family doesn’t run, it gallops.

It happened one bright sunny morning, Hunter rose from his bed, he was feeling particularly creative after smoking an inordinate amount of Parmesan cheese the previous night. Miraculously before him was a blank canvas, a brush, and a wide array of canvas poster colors.

Hunter picked up his brush, dipped it in color, and dragged the hairs of his brush across the canvas, in minutes the painting was done. It was a miraculous work of genius.

But the world, as slows as it is often takes its time to recognize genius, this happened with Einstein and Beethoven as well, Hunter was unable to find an art gallery to showcase his brilliance.

All that changed after 2020, currently, a single piece of art from Hunter Biden sells for more than the price of an average American home.

Sad little cynics would again suggest that this had something to do with Hunter’s father entering the White House, but they are devoid of an artistic bone in their body.

Fairly recently, Hunter Biden’s art dealer George Bergès was photographed wearing a Camp David cap alongside notorious Gossip columnist George Wayne. Wayne has since deleted the photo from his Instagram Page. 

The cap obviously caused critics to question whether the controversial art dealer joined the Bidens as Camp David.

It has to be remembered that Joe Biden took a break to the president’s country residence in August, criticized because it came amid the fallout from the disastrous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Perhaps Bergès traveled along with the Bidens to Camp David?

The White House expertly dodged any questions pertaining to Hunter’s talents and his work, as they always do. They also claim that neither they nor Hunter will know the identity of any patrons.  There were unconfirmed reports of premature nasal elongation as the syllables were uttered.

Once again the compulsive contrarians will needlessly nitpick through all this and the term is a conflict of interest and even corruption.

They even paint numerous scenarios such as Joe revoking the permit for the Keystone pipeline that they claim made America dependent for its energy on OPEC. The price that these paintings fetch could payments for this Joe's actions

Among these obsessive nitpickers worked for Joe’s former or perhaps current boss Barack Obama.

I find it deeply troubling,” said Walter Shaub, who was director of the Office of Government Ethics in the Obama administration.

“Merely following the incredibly weak ethics rules that we have doesn’t win you any points and the legalistic approach blinds you to obvious commonsense problems. And here we have an obvious problem.

We’ve got a family member clearly trading on his father’s name. The man has never sold a piece of art before, has never even juried into a community centre art show, but suddenly he’s selling art at fantastical prices. There is simply no way anybody paid $75,000 for anything other than his name.”

The extremely well-spoken humble genius that Hunter is, he told the Nota Bene: This Week in the Art World podcast that art prices are “completely subjective”, insisting: “Look, man, I never set my prices – what my art was going to cost, what it costs or how much it would be priced at. I would be amazed, you know, if my art had sold at, um, you know, for $10.”

So how do regular citizens process all this?

They must adopt the stance of the mainstream media, who chose to ignore the entire story. They must applaud social media for blocking the pointless Hunter story.

They must learn to appreciate the creativity of the political class in the art of self-enrichment and laud their ability to not be trapped in the clutches of the law.

They must never aspire to attempt to emulate such feats in their personal lives because this art of enrichments is performed by experienced and trained professionals.

The ideal time to ponder about is their evening walk after work unless the lockdowns prevent walks or maybe they are just unemployed owing to their skepticism regarding the vaccine.

If they are lucky enough to afford an evening walk they ensure to not get too lost in their thoughts such that the masks fall over their face, because that could mean imminent arrest.

In conclusion, the lesson to learn is to abandon skepticism and the unfavorable practice of questioning everything.

Just fall in line, do as you are told, and look at your supreme leader in unrelenting awe!

