Joe Biden, the Divider in Chief, (unknowingly) kicks off the campaigns for the GOP and President Trump.
It has been almost a year since Joe Biden has occupied the White House and almost every campaign promise he made has melted into thin air.
Among those promises was a pledge to restore decency and to
unite the country. He conveniently ignored the fact that his party is the
reason for the divide and hate. But truth or facts are never an impediment for
Democrats while peddling false narratives.
“We can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity there is no peace, only bitterness, and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward,” Biden said in his Jan. 20 speech in 2021 following his inauguration.
This was the easiest among promises to accomplish, all he had
to ensure was that members of his administration were respectful, empathetic,
and conciliatory, especially to political opponents.
An occasion to 'lower the temperature' was the first
anniversary of January 6th
Biden and Harris should have acknowledged that the events of
January 6th, 2021, were unfortunate and should never occur again. They should
have highlighted the importance of being able to respectfully disagree without
being viciously disagreeable. They should have reminded people of what binds
the country together.
The contents of their addresses should have been similar to President
Kennedy's speech when he
said "Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We
all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all
But, as expected, the opposite occurred.
In her remarks, Kamal Harris claimed that
January 6, 2021, was a date that would “occupy not only a place on our calendar
but a place in our collective memory” alongside Pearl Harbor and September 11, 2001.
Much like they always do, they relied on hyperbole to push
their narrative.
They fail to realize or probably do not care that these
overstatements, meant to virtue signal, actually are deeply offensive and
hurtful to the real victims.
Over 2,403 Americans were killed in the attack at
Pearl Harbor while over 3000 people were killed following the coordinated
Islamic terror attacks of September 11. Beyond the victims, it left thousands
orphaned, abandoned, and deeply traumatized. The irreparable and everlasting
damage to the fabric of the nation was inexplicable.
To compare those dastardly attacks to January 6th where
protestors trespassed and aimlessly wandered around the Capitol Hill Building
is a vile affront to the victims of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
To compare American under President Trump with Nazi Germany is
actually insensitive to the millions of Jewish people who were victims of
persecution and genocide.
To claim that this is the worst time to be black in America is
an insult to the victims of slavery and segregation.
The effect of these overstatements is a trivialization of the
darkest chapters in mankind. It also belittles bigotry.
Who gains from all this? Real Bigots.
If Larry Elder and Candice Owen are White Supremacists, the
term is rendered meaningless, hence real White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis
manage to fly under the radar.
After Kamala, Biden proceeded viciously and personally attack
President Trump and his supporters. It wasn’t just the content of the speech
but the unhinged manner with an undercurrent of violence in which it was
delivered that was disturbing.
Obviously, neither Harris nor Biden had anything to do with the
contents of their respective addresses. They merely read (or struggled to read)
off the teleprompter.
The speeches were authored by the Democrat establishment who realize
Biden’s disastrous record has given them nothing else to boast about.
Hence they rely on overstatements to rile up their base and
hopefully goad fence-sitters.
They know they have their propaganda wing which masquerades as
the mainstream news media to amplify their message and make it appear like a
consensus across the country.
For regular people, the faltering economy, the record
inflation, high fuel prices, the supply chain crisis, and the influx of illegal
aliens are issues of grave concern.
Despite Biden’s vow to ‘Shut down the Virus’, Covid19
continues to ravage the country. Basic civil liberties and freedom of choice
(of vaccines) are being violated every day under the pretext of Covid19.
The primary goal of Biden and Harris’s preposterous claims is
to distract from their abominable record of misgovernance.
But if history has taught us anything, it is to never
underestimate the intelligence of regular people.
The Democrats may be able to fool their far-left base all the
time, they may be able to con independent voters some of the time, but they
emphatically cannot fool most of the voters all of the time.
Biden’s rapidly falling
approval ratings are ample evidence of that.
The secondary goal behind Harris and Biden’s attacks is to
dehumanize both President Trump and his supporters. Because dehumanization is
the first step to justify oppression. This is exactly what the Nazis did in
Germany, it is ironic that the Democrats accuse the GOP of being Nazis.
They want to terrorize Trump supporters and misuse the various
law enforcement agencies to persecute them. The hope is to scare voters from
openly supporting and voting for the GOP and President Trump during the
midterms and the Presidential Elections.
They also hope to prevent President Trump from contesting elections in 2024, because they know he is most likely to win, following Biden's myriad disasters.
If there is any good that can come out of all this, it is that
the abhorrent utterances of January 6th, 2022, should serve as another
hard reminder to all voters about what they are against.
Biden and Harris may have unwittingly kicked off the GOP
campaign for the mid-terms in 2022 and President Trump’s return to the White
House in 2024.
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