Decoding the leak from the US Supreme Court!

These are desperate times for the Democrats in Washington, the poll and the mood of the nation suggest that they will receive an emphatic shellacking during the mid-terms in November.

The Democrats have just around six months to act. Desperate times demand desperate measures, hence the Democrats are resorting to sneaky tactics such as ‘leaks’ hoping it will benefit them.

They leaked messages between President Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and key GOP Figures and Trump aides to portray Republicans as insurrectionists and fascists looking to subvert the course of democracy.  

The New York Times leaked a conversation allegedly between House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Liz Cheney to cause a rift within the GOP and cause the impression that GOP is imploding due to conflicts within the leadership.

However, their most audacious leak occurred on Monday night when Politico obtained a nearly 100-page opinion, authored by Justice Samuel Alito, which Politico claims is a "full-throated" and "unflinching repudiation of constitutional protections of abortion rights."

A leak such as this emanating from the Supreme Court is unprecedented. Supreme Court historians and court watchers say they cannot recall any previous leaks.

The leak is a majority opinion relating to the Dobbs v. Mississippi (2022) case which is a case to evaluate whether Roe v. Wade (1973) which legalized abortion nationwide, can be overruled. If Roe v. Wade is overruled, states decide on abortion, this is how federalism and indeed democracy works. 

Thus far US Supreme Court hasn’t issued any official ruling on the case matter nor have the justices issued any public statement. 

So what purpose does this leak serve?

The leak brings the issue of abortion to back the forefront. The Democrats have successfully characterized abortion as a civil right. This is an issue that fires up the far-left Democrat base, who most likely has been abjectly disappointed with Biden and Democrat lawmakers. 

This leak will facilitate fundraising for Democrats. It is also a scare tactic to remind Democrat voters that if they want unrestricted abortion facilities, they have to vote for the Democrats during the mid-terms. 

This leak could enthuse an already enthused pro-life GOP voter base.

A pro-abortion ‘protests’ have already begun outside Supreme Court. ‘Protests’ will also be conducted outside the homes of conservative SC justices. It must be remembered these 'activists' can stoop to any level. The 'protests' will devolve into threats. They could even resort to violence and vandalism. Family members of the justices who live elsewhere could also be targeted. 

They will claim to be doing this for the ‘greater good. The news media will then declare that protests are always messy. They will claims this is a war against the 'far right' for the 'soul of the nation' and that this is how democracy functions. 

The 'protestors' may even succeed. Few human beings can withstand the relentless hate, attacks, and looming threats. President Trump was among the few who had the fortitude and the resilience to stand up to liberal tyrants and deride them in public. However, most humans, including justices, capitulate when their loved ones are threatened with violence. At times, even if the justice chooses to remain stoic, the relatives could urge the justice to fall in line just to ensure their safety. It is easy to preach to others to stand by their values in the face of peril, but difficult to practice.

But beyond the contents of the leak, let's focus on the act of leaking.

Every individual in positions of power from Presidents, to Senators and Supreme Court Justices, must have a secure work environment where they can freely express ideas and opinions. 

The process of decision-making and adjudicating works only when justices comprehend and evaluate the merits and demerits of each and every possible outcome. At times certain individuals feel the need to put their thoughts to paper and circulate them among colleagues. An individual may have myriad ideas, but unless the ideas are acted upon, they remain thoughts.

In this case, the document is still a draft. It is also important to remember that deliberations on such cases frequently evolve. Justices change their votes as drafts circulate and develop. Most decisions can be subject to multiple drafts. The court’s holding will not be final until it is published.

When such documents are leaked, the work atmosphere turns volatile. It leads to paranoia. Quite soon people just stick the groupthink just to avoid any trouble. This is another goal behind leak leaks to leverage public pressure on the justices in order that they fall in line.

The public must also understand that this is merely the beginning. When the Democrats lose in November.  They could use their 'activist' wing to wreak havoc. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility, they could merely refuse to accept the election and compel protestors to occupy Washington until there is a 'probe' into the results. If they accept the results, they could cause a spectacle each time the GOP attempts to pass laws that they deem inappropriate.

One could argue that irrespective of the actual ruling, the Supreme Court has already been compromised. If the justices genuinely change their opinion, it appears that they capitulated before the mob. If they stick with their opinion, the liberals can claim that they succumbed to the demands of the right and call it a right-wing takeover.

Any court and the justices within must be judged only on their rulings. Their journey on how they arrived at their judgment and how they evolved is really beyond the scope of public interest. Justices often document each and every relevant detail relating to their judgment which is available for public consumption. What is excluded from the document should not be anybody’s concern.

The Supreme Court plays a crucial role in US democracy. Once the workings and the integrity of the Supreme Court are compromised, so are the democratic values of a nation.

When the Democrats cannot win via elections they resort to sneaky ploys such as leaks to undermine the functioning of institutions. This is a long-term project to ensure their permanent influence in Washington irrespective of electoral outcomes.

While the Republicans must react to this leak by focusing primarily on the act of leaking and how serious a violation it is before they focus on the contents.

An investigation into the leak must be immediately initiated and the culprit must be punished. 

The left has managed to hijack has managed to infiltrate most government institutions and irrevocably compromise them. The Supreme Court has been standing for over two centuries. It still means a great deal to citizens. It must be protected from thugs at all costs.

Democracy ceases to function if the mob is allowed to take over.

Also appears on American Thinker

