Kamala Harris blunders verbally, again

Yesterday, Vice President Harris, the nation’s foremost word salad chef delivered her latest catastrophe at Oakland Generation Fund Event.

“So equity, as a concept, says: Recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, we must pay attention to this issue of equity if we are to expect and allow people to compete on equal footing.”


It has been a record of sorts for Harris, she has gone for a month without any major oratorical setbacks.

Her previous colloquial calamity occurred on July 13th at the American Rescue Plan Workforce Development Summit when she attempted to explain the importance of transportation.

“Transportation seems like maybe a small issue; it’s a big issue. You need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and get home.”


Also in July, when asked about the failure of Democrat Presidents and Democrat-controlled Congresses to codify abortion rights during the 50 years that Roe v Wade stood.

Harris’s failed to construct a meaningful sentence:

“I think that to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled”


Harris was lost in the jungle of words while paying tribute to the victims of the July 4 parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois that left seven dead and over two dozen injured. It was most insensitive to babble incoherently following such as tragedy.


Back in June, on the Juneteenth holiday, Harris claimed that the US had  400 years of slavery, despite the fact it has been 400 years since slavery.


In May, during the ASEAN Summit, Harris could hardly muster words to explain the importance of teamwork baffled everyone.


Harris was at her best in March, delivering four syllable soups.

During a meeting with the Jamaican Prime Minister, Harris said “We also recognize — just as it has been in the United States for Jamaica — one of the issues that have been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic.”


In Louisiana, Harris struggled to expound on the importance of affordable and accessible high-speed internet.


At the Munich Security Conference, Harris blundered away as she attempted to explain the crisis in Ukraine.


During a presser with Polish President Andrzej Duda, Warsaw Harris resorted to cackling when a reporter asked her about the US’s commitment toward Ukrainian refugees.


In January during an interview on NBC News, Harris struggled to explain or defend Biden’s failing strategy to combat COVID-19. 


Last October, Harris’s hammy act ruined a pre-recorded NASA video that was meant to promote a scientific aptitude among young children. 


Last August, Kamala resorted to cackling when asked about Biden's catastrophic and unplanned withdrawal from Afghanistan that left that country more unstable than an overturned beehive. It led A BBC correspondent to remark that Harris had made America appear like an ‘incompetent, uncaring and unreliable’ ally.


Last June, Harris stumbled when NBC News's Lester Holt quizzed her about her not visiting the US-Mexico border despite being assigned the task of resolving the border crisis


It is essential to state that none of these appearances were spontaneous where Harris was caught off guard and had to speak impromptu. These weren't pressers with adversarial reporters waiting to pounce upon her.

The interviews were prescheduled and the interviewers were friendly while the forums where she spoke had friendly audiences. Harris has ample time to be thoroughly prepared. She obviously has access to the best speech writers, subject matter experts, and communication experts.

For speeches she had the luxury of carrying prepared notes or reading off a teleprompter was available. 

Harris’ word salads demonstrate not only her considerable incapability but also abject apathy towards her job. She doesn't even care to lift a finger to do a better job. This would explain the constant exodus of her staff, including her speech writers.

So why did Biden’s handlers pick such a talentless and lazy running mate?

Biden’s rapidly declining cognitive was and is perfectly obvious to anybody watching. Biden’s handlers knew that any individual of reasonable abilities would have seen this as an opportunity to unseat Biden by using the 25th Amendment. 

The individual would have first made a strong public presentation that would inspire confidence and then work behind the scene to dethrone Biden.

When she was assigned the important task of resolving the border crisis, anyone else in Harris’s place would have immediately traveled to the border and used it as an excuse to hogg media footage. 

Harris didn’t have to act or implement but instead emulate President Obama - merely talk about wanting to resolve the crisis and be seen on cameras conducting meetings. Much like Obama, she would even resort to commentary i.e. talk like you are not responsible and feign forthrightness and sincerity. But she squandered the opportunity.

Harris's constant struggles to express herself despite her functioning cognitive abilities and mental faculties, make a man showing signs of dementia appear the brighter individual. Quite a feat.

Biden’s handlers also knew that liberals would fawn over her race her gender and the fact she is the "first" among her demographic group to hold such a high office. She featured on magazine covers and received flattering coverage the moment she was selected.

Biden’s handlers purposefully and publicly assigned the important task of resolving the border crisis to expose Harris’s inabilities early in their tenure. Any illusions created by the favorable coverage were dispelled.

Harris has made Biden appear unimpeachable.

Even when Democrat mouthpieces carry pieces about Biden’s unpopularity, they always refer to Harris’s unpopularity which is a euphemism for her incapability, just to make it clear that she isn’t suited for the top post.

Why should we waste time chronicling Kamala Harris's relentless displays of inabilities?

It’s because Harris’s utterances are part of the national record and hence part of history.

People usually refer to speeches made by the nation’s top leader to be inspired. To learn how sentences are constructed, and how language can be used to convey not only facts but also sentiments and speeches are delivered. Some of these utterances have become historical milestones.

Kamala Harris has done the opposite, with her inabilities and her indifference she has become a perfect instance of how things should not be done.

Also appears on American Thinker


