Lindsey Graham Proposes the ‘DREAM Act’ Amnesty for Nearly 2M Illegal Aliens

It's been almost three months since the midterms and campaign promises are fading away from the minds.

It's the perfect time for the GOP to stab their voters in the back. 

When it comes to backstabbing voters, South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham is an expert

Graham probably found some free time after striving for the well-being of his main constituents - President Zelensky, the Ukrainian Government, the Ukrainian Army, and the mercenaries.

Breitbart reported that Graham had joined Senator Dick (D-Illinois) to propose their “DREAM Act” amnesty.

Graham and Durbin, who hold powerful positions on the Senate Judiciary Committee, reintroduced the amnesty after repeatedly proposing the plan since 2017.

Estimates suggest that almost two million illegal aliens eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program can become citizens.

Graham said DACA illegal aliens  “represent a class of illegal immigrants that have much public support because they were minors brought here by their parents and America has become their home.”

In order to not sound like a complete sell-out, Graham added.

“While I continue to support relief for Dreamers, I hope my Democratic colleagues understand we must repair a broken border and address a tsunami of illegal immigration before that is remotely possible.”

Durban thanked Graham “for his continued partnership in this important bipartisan effort.”

Graham has been attempting this since 2013 when he was part of the notorious ‘Gang of Eight’ along with GOP Senators McCain, Rubio, and Flake.

The attempt failed.

It led to the late great Rush Limbaugh refer to him as Lindsay Grahmesty.

So what is DACA about?

DACA is an Obama administration policy implemented on June 15, 2012. DACA prevents the deportation of immigrants who entered the US illegally as minors and offers them work permits. 

Those eligible for this program are referred to as Dreamers, a reference to the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).

Most of these Dreamers were born in Mexico (80.2%), followed by El Salvador (3.8%) some were born in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa.

So can an argument be made that minors who accompanied adult migrants to trespass the border deserve fairness i.e. in this case citizenship because they were victims of unavoidable circumstances?

Before we answer that, let's look at the bigger picture?

If the dreamers are guaranteed a pathway to citizenship, it sends an open invitation to aspiring violators across the globe to enter the US, because of the implicit promise that someday their offspring will be  citizens.

Entering a country illegally is a crime. It may not seem that obvious since the matter has been spun relentlessly by the Democrats. 

They claim that the migrants are escaping persecution and poverty and hence have no choice, hence deserve compassion.

Similar excuses can be made for other varieties of crimes.

How often have we heard the following when any crime is committed:

“Life has been unfair to them”

“They were born in poverty.“

“The rich need to pay their fair share or this will keep happening.”

“There is the consequence of income inequality”

The fact remains that life is never ever fair to anyone. Everyone has a reason and a right to complain. But unfair circumstances in life aren't an excuse to commit crimes be it trespassing into a country or pilfering from a supermarket, or else there will be a societal breakdown.

Breitbart reported other issues if this iteration of DACA amnesty became a reality.

Newly naturalized citizens will have the facility to bring in an unlimited number of non-citizen relatives to the U.S. Estimates say the number could be from 10 million to 19 million foreign nationals.

A DACA amnesty could cost American taxpayers some $115 billion because it will lead to new enrollments for Obamacare.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that such an amnesty would cost taxpayers $26 billion. That CBO states that about one in five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one in seven would go on Medicaid.

Biden's open borders are already a grave problem.

Illegal immigrants are already a burden on the taxpayers, and facilities and infrastructure meant for citizens.

Illegal migrants agreeing to work for less than minimum wage will result in the citizen seeing a depression in wages or being rendered unemployed

If the illegal migrants are of the criminal variety, the victims will be citizens.

In the end, every country has laws that have to be followed.

The only way to enter or temporarily work in the US is to apply for a VISA, undergo a thorough background check, and an interview. The duration of stay and work also depends upon the VISA permits. 

The only path to citizenship is by Naturalization, Citizenship by Marriage, citizenship through parents, and citizenship through the military. Each route has its own set of mandatory requirements.

Laws-breakers must be punished.

This should not be debatable or an issue between right and left.

Yet somehow the left, which has become pro-crime is advocating and incentivizing violations.

It is noteworthy how the left changed its position on the matter.

Back in 2015, when socialist Bernie Sanders was running for the Presidential nomination of the Democrat party, he was asked about open borders.

"No, that's a Koch brothers proposal,” said Sanders curtly during an interview.

Sanders further added “The idea is a right-wing scheme meant to flood the US with cheap labor and depress wages for native-born workers. I think from a moral responsibility, we've got to work with the rest of the industrialized world to address the problems of international poverty," he conceded, "but you don't do that by making people in this country even poorer."

This was always the Marxist position.

Sanders and the Democrats are singing a totally different tune now.

They no longer care for the working class who will suffer due to the influx. Their long-term goal is to be permanently in power by giving voting rights to illegal aliens who drown the impact of legacy GOP voters and will be a permanent underclass voter base for the Democrats.

The Democrats have successfully been implemented in states such as New York and California, all they need is to capture a few more states in order to have total control.

This insanity has to stop.

Lindsay Graham needs to be primaried in 2027

Also appears on American Thinker

