The Democrats plan to rig the 2024 elections

Back in March 2021, Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14019 that instructed all 600 federal agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

The executive order didn’t receive much coverage from the mainstream media which functions as the PR wing for the Democrats.

Even most conservative media overlooked this story, except for a few very astute pundits

The order did incur the displeasure of some such as the Texas Attorney General who demanded that the executive order be withdrawn.

The Florida-based think tank, Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) sued Biden’s Department of Justice last April after the DOJ failed to respond to FGA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests relating to the executive order.  

The DOJ cited flimsy excuses such as “presidential communications privilege" to withhold the information. 

But those ploys failed.

When left with no choice, heavily redacted documents pertaining to the order were released.

There was no reason to suppress details about an order whose function was ostensibly to facilitate the expansion of voter participation. 

If the goal was merely to expand voter registration across the country, the contents would have been made public the moment the order was signed. 

Obvious that something fishy is afoot.

What makes this troubling is that the two recent elections in 2020 and 2022 elections were mired in controversy due to malpractice.

The concern is that this may be a move to legalize this malpractice.

In 2020, Mark Zuckerberg ‘invested’ $419 million in far-left groups. These far-left groups promoted mail voting, targeted specific key districts in swing states, redesigned ballots to their advantage, overruled local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.

An unprecedented 69% of voters cast their votes either by mail and/or before Election Day for the 2020 elections i.e. 69% of the vote was vulnerable to fraud.

Previously counting of votes occurred in one night, but from 2020 onwards, in some precincts, it spans across multiple days, curiously in those contests the Democrats ended up winning.

In 2022, Republican Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake called out her Democrat opponent Katie Hobbs who was also Secretary of State for having a conflict of interest she and her office oversaw an election she won.

Lake raised serious questions about 40,000 ballots being illegally counted and only 10% of the signatures being reviewed. 

Hobbs ‘defeated’ Lake by just over 17,000 votes, 

The media dismissed Lake as an election denier, worse Arizona state officials demanded that Lake be probed because Lake’s tweet violated State Laws by revealing voter signatures.

All of these malpractices occured in addition to the media which is always willing to spin falsehoods about GOP candidates.

Recently, the Biden-Harris Administration released a fact sheet that is linked to Biden's secret Executive order meant to direct ‘an all-of-government effort to promote access to voting’.

The following are some of the Salient Points in this sheet:

·        U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) registered 967,400 new citizens in 2022. Also ‘voter registration information and additional resources’ were made available on a USCIS website for New U.S. Citizens.

Obvious similar efforts will continue all through 2023-4, perhaps even on a larger scale.

The goal behind Biden’s open border policy, to find enough new Democrat voters in key areas such that they drown the impact of legacy voters.

·        The Department of Education will use to help connect student borrowers to boost voter registration.

Perhaps voters were reminded of Biden’s plan to forgive loans when these meetings occurred?

·      The Department of Agriculture (USDA) will promote ‘nonpartisan information about voter registration’ across the country in thousands of rural, suburban, and urban communities.

·        The Indian Health Service (IHS) will promote ‘ high-quality voter registration services to patients across five IHS facilities by the end of 2023’.

·        The Department of Treasury will provide guidelines for voter registration to individuals on Social Security Benefits, Railroad Pension benefits, and federal retirement benefits. Information about voter registration will be included in IRS Form 1040.

·        The Department of Justice is promoting voting among individuals exiting the criminal justice system.

·        The Department of Defense granted funding to increase the percentage of ballots successfully returned by Uniformed and Overseas Citizens.

·        The Department of State will promote in the waiting rooms of its 26 public passport agencies.

There are serious questions about these initiatives.

·      What if agencies explicitly or implicitly (referring to climate change or LGBT+ or abortion etc.) promote the Democrat agenda during these registration drives? 

·      What if agencies outsource their efforts to pro-Democrat ‘non-profit’ organizations who do not even inform the voter that they are being paid by the government while promoting the Democrat agenda?

·      What if voter registration is the first step by these democrat proxy organizations towards building bonds with voters that will influence their voting patterns i.e. are the Democrats running their campaign at the expense of taxpayers?

·      What if they focus on registering only those voters whom they know will vote Democrat? Social media profiles can reveal the political proclivities of individuals.

The manner in which the fact sheet describes initiatives seems purposefully vague, almost as if it was published to give them a reason to claim that they were transparent about their activities when controversies occur later.

It will be impossible to know since interactions with voters will occur in one to one.

This is why the Democrats are, despite claims in some Democrat mouthpieces, must be pleased with the arrangement they have with Joe Biden. Biden's rapidly declining cognitive abilities do make him a PR embarrassment but he is their ideal rubber stamp leader. Under Biden's name, they are implementing changes they always dreamed of.

They are targeting their political opponents using government agencies. They are providing unconditional support for a foreign war. They are even alerting the way elections are conducted. The effects of some of these changes will be permanent.

There is no reason why they wouldn't want this rubber-stamp leader in 2024.

Others may push back due to concern about personal legacy, but Biden struggles to find his way on the White House lawn. The question of how history will judge him is the least of his concern.

Recently states such as Georgia, Idaho, Montana, North Carolina, etc., have either banned or restricted Zuckerberg’s left-wing minions from infiltrating and influencing the administration of elections

Similar actions have to be taken against this executive order.

House Republicans must immediately block funding of these efforts to change the nation forever – the first step is by safeguarding the foundation of US Democracy – the elections.

Let's hope for swift action.

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